
Does gum disease pose any threat to the heart’s health? Is there a link between gum disease and heart disease? Research shows that gums are likely to increase the chances of getting other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke. Therefore, the least you can do for your teeth is to embrace good oral health habits. Look out for these dental issues to protect your overall health:

Gum disease

The gums have tissues that support the teeth. Infection of these tissues is referred to as gum disease mainly caused by bacteria from plaque build-up. People who are more susceptible to gum diseases tend to have too much inflammation when their bodies overreact to the bacteria around the gums. For some people, the inflammation may fail to clear up properly. Evidently, intense gum inflammation has quite an impact on the bloodstream as it slowly and progressively damages the blood vessels in the heart over a long period. The following are some of the conditions that connect to heart diseases.


Bacteria build-up in the space or gap between gums and teeth often results to the development of gingivitis – early stages. Symptoms can be mild but it is easy to notice swelling, redness and bleeding in the gums. The recommendable remedy for this condition is to brush and floss your teeth regularly.


When the gum infection goes a little deeper, the result is an advanced form of gum disease known as periodontitis. Toxins released by the bacteria make the surrounding tissues of the gum to swell. Infected pockets slowly begin to form between the teeth and gums. Long-term infection without immediate treatment causes damage to the bones beneath the gums. Over time, the gums recede from the teeth.


Partial push-up of the wisdom teeth through the gums creates a space where food and plaque accumulate with time. Too much accumulation causes swelling, pain and an infection. In severe cases, the swelling can move up the cheek and neck.


These tiny holes in the teeth result from tooth decay and bacteria. The bacteria that cause cavities are quite different from the ones that cause gum disease. Cavities play a part in the development of gum disease. For instance, cavities that irritate the gum may lead to gingivitis.

All these conditions affect the gums in one way or another. The ultimate outcome of having gum disease is damaged tissues. Prolonged damage to these tissues harms the blood vessels of the heart and brain over time. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you practice good oral care to stay free from heart complications that may incidentally result from gum disease. Make use of reliable dental services as the dental specialists will sort out most of the dental issues that you may have and prevent them from developing into worse conditions.