
Interested in obtaining a brighter, more beautiful smile? Tired of looking in the mirror and seeing a smile riddled with dental imperfection? At The Silverstrom Group, your Livingston dentists, Dr. David Silverstrom and Dr. Gary Silverstrom, understand the importance of a gorgeous smile. Your Livingston dentists also understand how hectic your schedule can be. After all, who has time for multiple procedures and office visits? That’s why Drs. David and Gary Silverstrom provide porcelain veneers. With a single procedure your smile can be completely restored. In today’s blog, Dr. David Silverstrom and Dr. Gary Silverstorm would like you to try our fun and informative quiz on porcelain veneers.

How Much Do You Know About Porcelain Veneers?

1. True or False: Porcelain veneers look natural.

2. True or False: Placing porcelain veneers requires several time consuming procedures.

3. True or False: Porcelain veneers can repair damaged teeth.

4. True or False: Porcelain veneers don’t last very long.

Answer Key

1. True! Our veneers are made from special dental porcelain and shaded to match your natural teeth. Porcelain reflects light in a similar manner as tooth enamel, mimicking the appearance of natural teeth. With our veneers, patients receive a stain resistant and esthetically pleasing smile restoration.

2. False. Unlike other practices, every step of the veneer process can be completed under one roof. Along with our talented staff of dental professionals, your Livingston dentists can prepare your teeth, create your custom-made veneers, and place them on your front teeth from the comfort our of Livingston practice. We offer convenience without sacrificing quality.

3. True! Porcelain veneers allow Drs. David and Gary Silverstrom to repair cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. Veneers also enable your Livingston dentists to close gaps between teeth, correct the appearance of misaligned teeth, and erase permanent stains.

4. False. With the proper care, your veneers can provide decades of smile improvement. Simply maintain proper dental habits, such as brushing and flossing, and attend regular checkups and cleanings. With these steps, patients protect their natural teeth, as well as their new veneers.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Livingston Cosmetic Dentists

How did you do? If you have any more questions, or would like to restore your smile with our innovative porcelain veneers, then schedule a consultation with your Livingston cosmetic dentists. Drs. David or Gary Silverstrom are ready to discuss which of our cosmetic dental procedures will best address your smile goals. Contact The Silverstrom Group in Livingston, New Jersey by calling (973) 797-9345. The Silverstrom Group is located at 580 South Livingston Avenue, Livingston, New Jersey.