
The human race is made up of diverse cultures. A practice that is laudable, acceptable or commonplace in one culture may be taboo in another. However, there are always exceptions, and smiling is one of them.

The act of smiling is one of the few expressions that is truly universal. Here are some fun facts about how smiling can affect your overall wellbeing.

When is smiling learned?

We learn how to smile before we are born. Three-dimensional ultrasounds taken of fetuses’ show that the babies in the womb can smile. When they are born, babies continue to smile in their sleep. Children love to smile and play, and that is why most people feel good when they are around children. Watching the joy of children is an excellent way to keep up your spirits. Here are some countless benefits to smiling described below:

Benefits of smiling

• Physical and psychological health benefits

Smiling has both physical and psychological health benefits. Well, smiling is good for the psyche. It’s a cheap and easy way to relieve stress. In many cases. If you are in a bad mood, forcing yourself to smile makes you feel better. Smiling releases endorphins, which are the body’s in-house happy pill. Your physical health improves when you smile because smiling relaxes the body. Stress reduction and the regular release of endorphins through regular smiling boosts immunity. Like apples, smiles keep the doctor away!

• Stress reduction

Reducing stress also increases concentration, which in turn increases our ability to solve problems analytically. Smiling when you are under stress can set off this chain reaction, so if you are dealing with a pile of office work on your desk, try smiling and see all the work done doubly fast!

• Spreads a happy mood to others

You can spread good cheer with a smile. When you smile, others can’t help but smile back. When others smile back, you feel really good, and your smile becomes that much brighter. We call that positive feedback. Keep smiling and you will feel plenty of good vibes!