
Dental Crowns

Crowns have always been an indication of wealth—not just the crowns that the royals wear on their heads, but also dental crowns. In the past, dental crowns have been used as a way for people to show their high place in society. Did you know that in the ancient Etruscan society, women would get gold dental bridges and crowns as way to show off their wealth to others?


While by modern standards these dental crowns aren’t so pretty, today dental crowns aren’t always made out of gold, nor are they used to show off wealth. Instead, dental crowns have taken on more practical restorative and cosmetic uses. There are also many other types of materials besides gold that can be used to build a crown. The big questions are: Do you need a dental crown and what kind of crown should you get?

Why Dental Crowns?

One of the most common reasons for getting a dental crown is to prevent further decay or damage to a weak tooth. A crown is placed over a tooth in order to protect its surface and strengthen it so that it does not easily break. A crown can also help support a tooth that has a large cavity. On the cosmetic side, a dental crown can help to restore the appearance of a tooth that has already been damaged or worn down. Likewise, if you have a tooth that is discolored or irregularly shaped, a dental cap can hide these flaws and make the tooth appear normal.

Dental crowns for children

Dental crowns are not just for adults! Children can also benefit from dental crowns when their teeth are weak. If a cavity is so big in a baby tooth that it cannot support a filling, a dental crown can be used instead to support what is left of the tooth. Another reason why children receive dental crowns is if their teeth are weak and they are too young to properly maintain dental hygiene. Dental crowns can prevent the teeth from further decay.

Types of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns can be either permanent or temporary. The material that your crown is made out of depends on what type of crown you need. If your crown is temporary, it will be made out of either stainless steel or acrylic. Permanent dental crowns are made out of metal, porcelain, or resin.
​Regardless of what kind of crown you have and why, the most important thing is that you make sure to take care of your dental crowns. A dental crown can last for years, but not if you neglect it. That means making sure that you brush, floss and treat your dental crown just like you would treat any other tooth.

Schedule an Appointment with Your Livingston Dentists

To discuss whether dental bonding is the right procedure for your dental care needs, and to learn more about our new cosmetic dental procedures, contact the Silverstrom Group in Livingston, New Jersey today. The Silverstrom Group is located at 580 South Livingston Avenue, Livingston, New Jersey.