
The Silverstrom Group Answers FAQ about Root Canals
Did you know root canals relieve discomfort associated with a toothache? Often times, a damaged nerve can be the cause of the problem. Performing a root canal allows your dentist to assess the problem and treat the area. Your Livingston dentists, Drs. David Silverstrom and Gary Silverstrom, answer frequently asked questions regarding root canals.
Do Root Canals Cause Discomfort?
Patients who have root canal therapy are six times more likely to characterize the procedure as “painless” than not. “Uncomfortable” or “irritating” might be better terms to use when describing the experience. Do not avoid root canals because of the perceived pain. A root canal relieves the pain associated with a toothache caused by damaged nerves.
Why Do I Need a Root Canal?
Your tooth’s nerve or pulp (the soft center of the tooth) can become inflamed, irritated, or infected due to decay, a chipped tooth, or other trauma. If this occurs, an abundance of bacteria develops, and eventually a pus-filled pocket known as an abscess forms. The infection can also lead to swelling of the face, problems with drainage, and bone loss. Root canals stop the spread of infection, which discredits the myths that root canals cause infection and disease. In fact, no scientific research has been found that links root canals to disease or illness.
How do I know if I need a Root Canal?
There are some common indicators to look for when determining if a root canal is best next course of action. The following list highlights some common symptoms:
· Toothaches
· Sensitivity to hot and cold
· Darkening of the tooth
· Swelling of the gums
What Happens During a Root Canal?
Your Livingston dentist will remove the infected pulp by creating an opening through the crown of your tooth. Once the doctor removes the pulp, he will clean and disinfect the root canal. Finally, he’ll place a crown over the remaining tooth area to protect it. Afterwards, you may experience some discomfort, that can most often e treated with over-the-counter pain relievers, like Tylenol. You will quickly regain normal function of your mouth. You may even notice ease when eating and speaking.
Questions? Contact Your Livingston Dentists
If you suffer from toothaches or experience any symptoms mentioned in this article, contact our dental office today. We’re happy to answer about root canal therapy. Contact The Silverstrom Group in Livingston at (973) 797-9345. The Silverstrom Group is located at 580 South Livingston Avenue, Livingston, New Jersey.