
TEA AND RED WINE LOVERS are probably all too familiar with the effects these liquids have on their teeth. Both of these beloved drinks are two of the worst culprits for teeth staining.

But many other foods and drinks can cause discoloration of your teeth. You don’t necessarily need to completely cut these types of food and drink out of your diet. But cutting down a bit or learning the best cosmetic dentist tips alongside improving your oral hygiene can help your healthy smile.

What Causes Tooth Stains?

Chromogens are chemical compounds that give some foods and drink their intense color. There are also some containing a substance called tannin that can also make your teeth much more likely to stain. Acids wear down your teeth and increase the chance of stains setting in. In general, if something can stain your clothes or your tongue, the chances are it’s also going to stain your teeth.

What Foods Stain Teeth Easily?

Confusingly, some foods contain vitamins and minerals, which have health benefits, so you don’t want to cut all of them out of your diet. However, if you have a particular food or drink often and it’s causing teeth staining, cutting down can be part of the solution.

Tea and coffee — tea and coffee both contain tannins, which cause the staining.

Red wine — unfortunately for our teeth, is one of the most common causes of tooth staining.

Cola — the dark coloring and acids which wear away at your teeth.

Fruit juices — dark-colored fruit juices, such as cranberry, blueberry, and grape juices, can leave stains on your teeth.

Balsamic vinegar — makes a tasty salad dressing but has intense pigmentation.

Soy sauce — the dark coloring of soy may linger on your teeth long after you finish your stir fry.

Berries — as healthy as they may be, they are, unfortunately, another tooth-staining culprit.

Beetroot — although packed full of vitamins and minerals, they stain skin and clothes and will stain teeth too.

What Can I Do About Teeth Staining?

Certain hereditary things can make you more prone to staining. Still, the most significant factor, by far, is poor oral hygiene. Read below for the best cosmetic dentist tips you can take to help keep your perfect smile sparkling white.

• Substitute a cup of tea for a light-colored herbal tea.
• Have a quick rinse with water after eating or drinking something that may stain your teeth.
• Use a straw when drinking cola or juice to avoid the liquid touching your teeth.
• Eat crunchy fruit and vegetables, like apples, carrots, and celery, as they boost saliva and scrub your teeth.
• Brush your teeth twice a day, minimum.

See your cosmetic dentist as frequently as they advise. They can offer cosmetic dental procedures, such as professional cleaning or teeth whitening to brighten your beautiful smile.

Caring for your teeth is essential for looking after your overall health. Contact us today to get personalized care from what is considered the best cosmetic dentist in Livingston, New Jersey. Ask us about our other cosmetic dentistry services like dental bonding, porcelain veneers, and dental implants for replacing missing teeth.