
Why Is Your Teeth Sensitive To Temperature?

When you experience a sharp pain when drinking hot or cold drinks, teeth sensitivity may be the cause. In some cases, patients who have sensitive teeth also complained that they felt pain when they inhaled cold air. Read on to find out more on why your teeth can be...

5 Popular Pop and Soda Drinks That Are Bad for Teeth

Whether it is called pop or soda, these sugary and carbonated soft drinks can cause serious oral health problems, if consumed regularly. Soft drinks have been proven to emerge as one of the most significant dietary sources of tooth decay and it affects people of all...

Teen Smoking Issues and the Oral Health Consequences

Tobacco can affect our oral health in many ways, and it is an issue that should not be ignored, especially when it is teenagers who are planning to pick up smoking. When people think of smoking, they may think that it mainly causes diseases. However, few people...

How Couples Can Maintain Their Oral Health Together

Many of us know that a healthy smile starts with a good oral care regime. When you visit your dentist regularly, you can do more than just keep your smile attractive. These visits can tell dentists a lot about your dental health, and if whether or not you may be...

5 Vegetables & Fruits To Eat For Better Dental Health

When you brush and floss on a regular basis, you will have a better shot at keeping your teeth healthy. You will also be able to remove as much sugars and food particles as possible which may have accumulated with bacteria that is capable of forming plaque. Plaque...

5 Oral Care Products to Try in 2016

As we’ve entered 2016, you might be planning to do some shopping for your daily necessities in order to start the brand new year on the right foot. When you browse the oral care product aisle, you come across a wide variety of interesting dental care products...