
In-Office vs. At-Home Teeth Whitening

We all know the importance of taking good care of our teeth. But even with regular brushing and flossing, over time, our teeth lose their bright, white color. The passage of time and the aging process cause our smile to lose its natural luster. The food and drinks we...

Inlays and Onlays Treatment

Inlays and onlays are becoming a popular choice in the restoration of teeth that have been damaged by decay or injury. Inlays and onlays blend seamlessly with your own teeth and are just one of the many treatments offered by Livingston cosmetic dentists Gary and David...

How to Care for Your Toothbrush

The best way to keep your smile beautiful and healthy is through good oral hygiene. The first step is in this process is brushing your teeth. To ensure the health of your smile, it is important to properly care for your toothbrush. You probably have your daily routine...

Seniors: Common Dental Conditions and Treatments

Senior citizens face unique dental health challenges, but our modern treatments can successfully treat a wide range of concerns. When you meet with a Livingston cosmetic dentist at The Silverstrom Group, you’ll receive warm, patient-centered care. Drs. David and Gary...

Popular Dental Treatments for Teens

At The Silverstrom Group, we focus on superior, family-friendly dental treatment. Teens will be at ease in our Livingston cosmetic dentistry center, where Drs. David and Gary Silverstrom provide compassionate care for our teenage patients as well as the entire family....